(logo)  The menus

Project Control Cache Navigate Hotlist Settings Help

Project menu

The Project menu offers functions to open or close windows, fetch or save documents, or quit AWeb.
Close window
Close the current window.

Open local...
Opens a standard file requester. After you select a HTML file, the file will be loaded in the current window.

Opens the search requester.
Pressing the search button will do the same.
View source...
Show the HTML source of the current page, using the viewer program that was installed as HTML source viewer.
Save source...
Opens a standard file requester. After you type a file name or select a file, the HTML source of the current page is saved. If the selected file already exists, you have the choice to:
Save as IFF...
Opens a standard file requester. After you type a file name or select a file, the current page is saved as an IFF image file.
Opens a print parameters requester to allow a graphical print of the current document.

Opens a window with version information. If the current window has an ARexx port, the name is shown here.

Closes all windows and minimizes AWeb to an icon on the Workbench screen. While AWeb is iconified, network transfers will continue.
To re-open the windows, double-click the icon, or drag another icon over the AWeb icon.
Quit AWeb. All pending network operations are cancelled.

Control menu

The Control menu offers functions to control the operation of AWeb, other than cache functions.
Load images now
Initiates the load of images in the current document. This menu item has 2 sub-items:
All images
Initiates the load of all images in the current document that aren't loaded yet.
Pressing the load images button will do the same.
Maps only
Initiates the load of all clickable maps in the current document that aren't loaded already.
Play background sound
Plays the background sound attached to this page. If the sound is still playing, it will be stopped now and played again from the start.
Reset frames
Resets all frames in this window to their original sizes.

Network status...
Open the network status window, or bring it up to front if it is already open.
Pressing the network status button will do the same.
Current document
Reload the current document. The page is deleted from the cache, and retrieved again.
Pressing the reload button will do the same.
Images in current
Reloads the images in the current document. The images are retrieved again from their original source.
Cancel load
Interrupt (cancel) the load of a page in this window. Background loads cannot be cancelled by this menu function, use the cancel button in the network status window instead.
Pressing the cancel button, or pressing the Esc key will do the same.

Break JavaScript
Stops all running JavaScript programs.

Cache menu

The Cache menu offers functions to control the cache, and to save or flush the cached authorizations.
Cache browser...
Opens the cache browser.

Flush from memory
Flush one of the following from the memory cache. If the objects were also on disk, they will remain there.
Nondisplayed images
All images that are not used in the currently visible page(s) are flushed from memory.
All images
All images, including those on the current page, are flushed from memory.
Nondisplayed documents
All documents that are not currently visible are flushed from memory.

Navigate menu

The Navigate menu offers functions to navigate in the document history.
Walk back one document through the window history. The window history contains all pages viewed before in this window.
Pressing the back button, or using the Alt + cursor left key combination, will do the same.
Walk forward one document through the window history. The window history contains all pages viewed before in this window.
Pressing the forward button, or using the Alt + cursor right key combination, will do the same.
Home document
Retrieve the URL that is configured as your home page.
Pressing the home button will do the same.

Window history
Show the window history requester.

Hotlist menu

The Hotlist menu offers functions to use the hotlist, or to read foreign hotlists.
Add to hotlist
Add the current document to the end of your hotlist.
Pressing the add to hotlist button will do the same.
Show hotlist
Show the hotlist in the browser window.
Pressing the hotlist button will do the same.

View hotlist...
Opens the hotlist viewer window.
You can configure AWeb so that the hotlist button will do the same.
Hotlist manager...
Opens the hotlist manager window.

Settings menu

The Settings menu offers functions to configure AWeb.
Image loading
This menu item provides a quick way to set the image loading. It has 3 sub-items: with the same meaning as the choices in the image loading chooser.
This menu item provides a quick way to set the background colors and images setting.
Background sounds
This menu item provides a quick way to set the background sounds setting.

Browser settings...
Brings up the browser settings requester.
Program settings...
Brings up the program settings requester.
GUI settings...
Brings up the GUI settings requester.
Network settings...
Brings up the network settings requester.
ClassAct settings...
Brings up the ClassAct preferences requester.

Save current settings
Saves all current settings.
Save settings as...
Saves all current settings as another configuration. A file requester will pop up from which you can select the drawer where to save the settings. Usually you will save the settings in a drawer in ENVARC:AWeb3 so you can use the drawer name as CONFIG tooltype or argument when you start AWeb.
Load settings...
Load an alternate configuration. This will pop up a file requester in which you can select the drawer that AWeb should read its new settings from.
Snapshot windows
Saves the current positions of the first browser window and all requester windows. This function also saves the zoomed size of the first browser window.

Help menu

The Help menu offers you more information.
Shows the AWeb manual in this window.

AWeb home page
Retrieves the AWeb Home page. A TCP stack must be running, and you must be connected to the Internet for this function to work.

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